Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Yogi Kalinath - Chapter 4, Verse 32

Pada 4, Sutra 32
Sanskrit Verse
Tatah krtaarthaanaam parinaama-krama-samaaptir gunaanaam
There comes about the termination of the sequence of transformations of the material modes of Nature due to their purpose being fulfilled.
The ultimate purpose of the material modes of Nature (Gunas) are for the Purusha’s benefit and transcendence. Once this is achieved they have fulfilled their purpose and the Seer is no longer influenced by them.
The three Gunas are reflective of the three states of consciousness:
¨ Sattva Guna is reflective of the waking state
¨ Rajas Guna is reflective of the dream state
¨ Tamas Guna is reflective of the deep sleep state
The Self-Realized Seer abides in the Transcendental state called Turiya which is beyond the Gunas, the Nirguna state.