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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Yogi Kalinath - Chapter 2, Verse 30

Pada 2, Sutra 30

Sanskrit Verse

Ahimsaa-satyaasteya-brahmacaryaaparigrahaa yamaah


Ahimsaa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacarya and Aparigraha are the universal disciplines / the restraints / that which gives control of our inner subtle processes.


Ahimsaa—non-harming, Satya—truthfulness, Asteya—non-stealing, Brahmacarya—continence / chastity, Aparigraha—non-possessiveness, are the universal disciplines / the restraints / that which gives control of our inner subtle processes.


The Yamas or restraints are the ethics of Yoga. The Yamas facilitate the subjugation of one’s appetite that otherwise could be disruptive to developing and maintaining harmony with others and the society.

There are many levels of understanding at which the Yamas and Niyamas apply. They are designed to facilitate psychic integration and integrity both outwardly (Yamas) and inwardly (Niyamas) in the individual. I will discuss these in a little more detail when they are individually referenced in later verses in this Chapter.

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