Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Yogi Kalinath - Chapter 1, Verse 35
Pada 1, Sutra 35
Sanskrit Verse
Visayavati va pravrttir utpanna manasah sthiti-nibandhani
Or steadiness of the mind comes about by cognitive focus within on an object of the senses
A steady mind is a focused mind. One can develop that steadiness, that laser-like focus by concentrating on an object of the senses. A classical example in Yoga is bringing our attention and focusing at either the tip or root of the nose to steady the mind.
Also by concentrating the mind on kshetram points or vital centers within the conjunction points of the mind and body such as the Chakras (vortexes of energy and centers of consciousness), one’s mind can become absorbed and consciousness expanded (Laya Yoga) resulting in super-sensory experiences and super-physical phenomena (or Siddhis).
The following focusing points are said to develop higher perceptions through the senses:
Concentration at the root of the nose for higher sight perception
Concentration at the tip of the nose for higher smell perception
Concentration at the tip of the tongue for higher taste perception
Concentration on the tongue for higher touch perception
Concentration at the root of the tongue for higher sound perception